On the Shelf
My last spiritual challenge
Is to be "on the shelf,'
Not wanted or needed for any activity
While still wanting
to serve
With the heart of Jesus.
How shall I use these hours,
These nights, these days,
these weeks?
Do I still believe in the power of prayer?
Perhaps I am being called to
Become a contemplative,
To surrender, and keep on]
Surrendering to this Mystery
That has surrounded me, nourished me,
Sustained me, and which
Still envelopes me, known
Only by hope and
Oh Master, grant that I may never seek so much
To be consoled as to consoled,
To be understood as to understand,
To be loved as to love
with all my soul,
It is in giving that we receive,
It is in pardoning that we are pardoned, and
It is in dying that we are born to Eternal life.
Countless souls need my prayers today.
I am still here by your grace, Lord,
And ready to serve in Your way
Now being offered
me, Yes.
My heart can still love
For all those dying this instant, today,
Whether by hunger, accident, illness
Torture, natural causes suicide,,
By terrorist bumming,
American Veterans committing suicide,
(an estimated 22 per day)
Asylum seekers dying enroute,]
Children dying by abuse or suicide:
Give one of them the grace of hope
In your mercy, love and goodness.
Paschal Bernanrd Baute, July 1, 2015
In honor of a particular friendship.