Resilience Checklist
16 Principles.,
Copyright, © Paschal
Baute, 2015
Note: The relevance of each of these cannot be unpacked in this summary lists. References to other writings where this is explained and explored are footnoted.
1 Recognize all perception is selective. We do not see the world as it is but as we are, through the lenses of our life history and values. We can "setback," become more aware and see something from a new perspective. Our vision is always limited. We create the world we live in by what we focus upon. Becoming aware or mindful is the critical key. (1)
2. Become aware of how easily we are contoured an captured by
the voices inside our heads.. Develop some mindfulness or meditation practice. Learn
to listen to and sort your feelings. (2)
3. Knowing that you create your own world by what you focus
upon, find and pursue your own dreams. Accept that your own journey is unique,
unlike anyone else. Know that it is okay to be different.
4. In whatever you do, stretch yourself, do your best. Push
your limits. Try to exceed your expectations and that of others. Remain
5. Persist. Expect challenges and setbacks. We learn by our
missteps and mistakes, by our failures and flaws. Know that failure is part of
the game of life. Develop an internal GPS that can "recalculate."
6. Never ask the question "why me?" each of us is dealt
in life a different hand of cards. What counts is what we do with the cards we
receive., how we play them. Complain about what happens keeps one stuck. Never
sit on "pity porch." .(3)
7. Do not take responsibility for others, for their feelings
or success. Make sure you are not a "Rescuer." see Paschal's
Rescuer's checklist. (4)
8. Forgiveness is always part of the journey. Refuse to give
free rent inside your head to hurts received. Recognize that forgiveness of
self is our greatest challenge. Check Paschal's 16 Tips for forgiveness.(5)
9. Accept oneself as a flawed, imperfect persons who is
bound to make mistakes, even hurt others. Be open to feedback about yourself. (6)
10. Be generous with your time and talent. Look for opportunities
to make a different n someone's life, some project that moves your heart.
11. Find a passion, a vision, a dream and then pursue it
boldly, spending oneself.
12. Be thankful to all those who have given you a "hand
up." Each of can access a circle of mentors and wisdom teachers"
13 Find and nourish a supportive social network, who will
support and encourage you.
14. Discover a wisdom tradition that can nourish and sustain
your dreams (7).
15. Be grateful of many blessings, underserved and
unrecognized. Live with a grateful heart.
16. Keep on loving in your own unique way, no matter what.
Accept every day as an undeserved gift
which, in reality, it is. Do not take anything for granted. .
See Chapter One. "the Rope is Not Tied to
Me," and Appendix One: Six Blind Men and an elephant," in Resilience of a Dream Catcher (2014), Paschal Baute.
See Appendix Four, "Who Am I?" in
same Resilience book.
See Appendix Three :"Letter to a Loved One
Coping With an Incompressible Loss," in same Resilience book.
See Appendix Ten, "Are You a Helper or a
Rescuer?" ion same Resilience book.
See Appendix Five "Forgiveness: When, How,
16 Steps, in same Resilience book.
See two books Me and My Shadow Self (kindle,
2014), Baute, and Laughing at My Perfectionism, CreateSpace, Amazon (2014), Baute
See Appendix Three "A psychologically
Healthy Spirituality," in same Resilience book; alas explore Celtic Grace:
Think Places, and both volumes of Where Do I Find "God" Stories? (2014,
2015) Baute.
Dr. Paschal Baute is a
semi-retired pastoral psychologist, disabled blind Veteran and stage four
cancer survivor of 23 years. With a VA diagnosis of "Catastrophically
Disabled," he serves as chaplain to his local Blind Veterans Group. Trained
by the Hines VA Blind Rehab Center in computers, he aims to prove the training
is worthwhile an productive. Since training in 2012, he has published 14 books
on kindle and eleven in print t on Amazon.
Now in his ninth decade at
age 86,, his mission is to create a bookshelf for counselors and caregivers in
wellness, resilience and spirituality. His website is He can be
reached by email at
Resilience is unpacked in
29 lessons from a crazy quilt life, coping with much loss and abuse, Resilience of a Dream Catcher (2014), Baute, both kindle and print.