Friday, January 16, 2015

TOTAL WELLNESS PRACTICUM course in Lexington soon.


A Practicum, by Dr. Paschal Baute
Parks and Rec Building, Room ___
11-12 noon, Thursdays
March 12- April 2, 4 sessions

Science Alert: Research proves sustained meditation
Affects the body at the biological cell level!

We will discuss and practice a range of awareness and mindfulness techniques now widely recommended and used by most all psychotherapists.
Limit: ten persons.
Fee: $1.00 registration fee. Total fee: "Pay It Forward" that is,  Give to others what you learn here.
Leader: Dr. Baute is a 23 year survivor of stage 4 cancer, a Veteran with a diagnosis of "Catastrophically Disabled." He has been teaching wellness practic for 20 years in Central Kentucky. He has eleven books on kindle and six on Amazon, all dealing with some aspect of wellness. He is a retired psychologist and family therapist, a married Catholic priest and former Navy Chaplain. He is Chaplain to the Lexington chapter of the Blind Veterans of American. His book on Resilience has 28 lessons on coping with loss and setbacks for disabled Veterans. Paschal is 85 years young. He swims two miles per week, and so has swam 500 miles during the past five years. His website is www.paschalbaute.copm
Resources in print: Many books on Mindfulness. Recommended are Practicing the Power of Now, and The Power of Now, both by Eckhart Tolle

Fold and Tear off bottom for registration and leave at Parks & Rec Office..

Here is my $1.00 registration fee. __ cash  or ___check (payable to Clark Co.p Rec)

Please reserve a place for me (print) __________________________________
My phone number  is_______________________________